Misty Ridge Corgi Puppies
Thank you for your interest in our corgis!
All of the puppies from the Anna (Taint no Ice Queen) and Topper (Taylor's Sheriff Longmire) have been sold. Look for "Bryn" in the show ring next year under Juxi Burr and Kim Raleigh!
I hope to have a litter in the spring of 2019. When exactly depends on when the girls come into heat and I have no control over that. I want to breed my newest champion, CH Misty Ridge Deano's The Tracks of My Tears. I haven't decided who the daddy will be yet but I have all winter to contemplate my choices.
I give first selections to the show pups and obviously, ones that I may want to keep and show myself. Pet puppies will be available with a Limited Registration and a spay/neuter contract after that.
Our prices are $2,000, which includes first shots and a vet exam.
If you are still hunting for a pet, contact me now, or again next year.
Good luck! Marynette
Please email us at MistyRidgeCorgis@ix.netcom.com, and send us a message below about our upcoming litters.
See our Pedigree!